These indicators , also known as Key Performance Indicators ( KPI ) , are present in all process-based management. Any process has an input and an output with an added value that has to be measured. Thus, these tools make it possible to evaluate the results of the processes against set objectives, progress and identify opportunities for improvement for the company.
help optimize operating costs and allow setting Phone Number List objectives in accordance with the results obtained. Benefits of using indicators In addition to the benefits that the use of indicators to analyze results brings to the company, it also generates more benefits as a methodology: Promotes the homogenization of the way of working Improves control of process actions. any value to the organization. Improvement of information output.
Reduces operations time. Focuses processes to obtain customer satisfaction. Improves the services offered by the organization and the knowledge of the participants in each process. More easily identify new business opportunities. Defines a systemic structure aligned with the company's strategy. What did you think of this article on process management? Leave your comments and share! In short, with process management you achieve more order and align company visions: key points to make your company more competitive.