To have your prospect imagine what it’s like to use your product or service. Why?so, we establish perceived ownership. It’s the reason why Apple stores display their devices. And why car salesmen allow test-drives. “In all my ads I try to make the prospects imagine they are holding or using my product.” – Joseph Sugarman Highlight a unique value proposition Your unique value proposition UVP is what you have to offer that few competitors can.
It’s your edge, your distinguishable trait that others can’t replicate. Here’s a definition of unique value proposition from Unbounce: “Your UVP is a clear statement that describes the benefit of your offer, how to solve your customer’s needs, and what distinguishes Indonesia Phone Numbers 175 Million List you from the competition.” If your offer is too common, then it’s a carbon copy of the competition. But if your offer is unique, it stands out. That’s why you must highlight your unique value proposition.
Promote it so you can boost conversion. Check out this example of a unique value proposition from Mantis Research: Mantis Research's-Unique-Value-Proposition-Persuasive-Copywriting-Why We-Are-Different Image Source: Mantis Research Mantis Research’s unique value proposition is that they combine data and story for their content marketing research. Speak in your prospect’s language Have you ever read copy from a website or an advertisement and said to yourself, “Wow, it’s like they read my mind.”?