Not all of them can be included in the MEI. If it is not on the list of permitted activities, you need to open ME . Furthermore, the MEI's revenue limit is R$81,000 per year, while the MEI's revenue limit is R$360,000 –CNPJ was opened. Regarding the tax regime, the MEI is always included in the Simples Nacional.
Those who have ME can opt for Simples Nacional, Lucro Presumido and Lucro Real. In time, the MEI can have a maximum of 1 employee. For ME, it is possible to have up to 9 in commerce/services and 19 in industry. Difference between MEI and EPP Billing is the main difference Australia Phone Number between MEI and EPP. In the first case, it is not allowed to exceed R$81 thousand in the year.

In the second, you can earn from R$360 thousand to R$4.8 million. The number of employees that can be hired must also be taken into account. At MEI, it is possible to have only one. In the EPP, it is permitted to have from 10 to 49 in commerce/services and from 20 to 99 in industry.