Innovative company – what is it? Analyzing the definitions of innovation indicated in the Oslo Manual , we can characterize an innovative enterprise as follows: An innovative company is one that is actively engaged in creating and implementing new or improved products, services or business processes aimed at improving the functioning of the company or its offer. The level of innovation of SMEs in Poland According to the report "Monitoring the innovation of Polish enterprises" prepared by PARP, the innovation index of Polish enterprises from the SME sector was.
Points out of in , which is the highest result compared to previous years. The percentage of innovative companies in Poland was . % in , and the percentage of innovatively active companies was . %. However, the share of ineffective innovators in the total pool of innovatively active companies photo retouching in was only. However, the report's data indicate that Poland's performance is weaker compared to other European Union countries. Poland ranks below the EU average in terms of the number of innovative enterprises and research and development expenditure in relation to GDP. Polish SMEs have low awareness of innovation and use financial opportunities for development and investment in innovation much less frequently than their European competitors.

The most frequently implemented innovations Most innovation implementations in concerned business processes. This also includes relatively low-cost activities related to the purchase of software for managing sales processes or teams. Half of the surveyed innovative companies indicated the purchase of software, and slightly fewer ( . %) indicated fixed assets, such as: machinery and technical equipment, means of transport, tools, instruments, movable property and equipment (excluding R&D funds). . What are the benefits of investing in innovation? Competitive advantage Investing in innovations can lead to the creation of new products or services that stand out from the competition.