Carefully selected related content: 4 Google Analytics Reports Every Content Marketer Should Use 30+ marketing tools for research, engagement, measurement, workflow, and visuals conclusion what Netflix does in creating content-rich experiences that prospects and customers will find appealing. How bingeable is your content What is your content team doing to move from a single asset content offering to a richer, more content-rich experience What results did you see Please share what you learned in the comments. Here is an excerpt from Nick's talk:
Sign up for our weekly content strategy e-newsletter for marketers . This newsletter features exclusive stories and insights from Robert Rose, CMI's Chief Content Advisor. Like many other marketers we meet, I look Special Database forward to reading his thoughts every Saturday.home page article marketing Engaging content: how to move buyers through the sales cycle faster Engaging content: how to move buyers through the sales cycle faster Published: 2020-12-22 bingeable-content-move-buyers-sales-cycle-fasterIt's not something you or I have ever done. Plop her down on the couch, put her feet up, click on the TV and enjoy a full season of The Americans. Netflix has mastered the art of getting people hooked on streaming content. Nick Edouard, co-founder and president of LookBookHQ, suggests that we marketers create like Netflix and lure prospects with content they can immerse themselves in. He made this point in his talk at the Intelligent Content Conference. Waste no more clicks:
How intelligent content experiences accelerate the buyer journey. What does Nick mean by "waste no more clicks" In other words, stop focusing all your efforts on clicking through to a single (“dead end”) content asset. Instead, focus on keeping people interested long after they click. Why Based on what Nick sees in his clients, when you reward those hard-earned clicks with "compelling" content, your best prospects move through the sales funnel more than twice as fast and are more likely to buy. This is because it will more than double. According to nickedouard, bingeable content and rewarded clicks by prospects are more likely to make a purchase.