Our sales teams were able to better speak to the lead’s individual needs simply by doing a little research before the follow up call. The sales team felt prepared and the lead felt heard. A win-win.In addition to the number of form fields, it’s also important to pay attention to what exactly you’re asking for in a form.There’s a big difference in asking for an email address and a work email address, and yet for sake of ease or laziness we leave the field identifier as “Email.” Similar to a slight change in keywords “insurance” to “life insurance,” be sure you’re asking the user to give the exact information you want in your forms.5.
Leverage back-end data to optimizeThis is likely the most Thailand WhatsApp Number under-utilized strategy I’ll discuss in this post.If you’re generating leads with PPC campaigns, odds are you’re using some type of sales or marketing management system to keep all of those leads straight. This is a straight-up goldmine of optimization information.With PPC campaigns, we can tag our URLs so all users are tracked back to the keyword level within our campaigns.Your first challenge: Make sure you’re marketing automation is capturing this information.Your second challenge: Regularly pull this data out and use it to optimize your campaigns!This information can be integral when determining where budgets should go, which keywords should stay active, and all sorts of other changes.
Let’s take a look at a quick example.Say you have two campaigns running in Google Ads. Here are their respective stats:lead quality Google Ads campaign stats tableIt’s pretty clear that Campaign A is kicking the tar out of Campaign B in conversion performance.If we were given a 25% increase in budget, we would invariably allot all of it to Campaign A based on this performance.But that’s only half of the story. We want to know which campaign is creating high-quality leads. If we pull the data out of our CRM and match it to our campaigns, it could easily look like this:lead quality Google Ads campaign stats tableGame changer.Despite a large difference in overall lead performance