Dark social traffic refers to visits from links shared in private messaging apps like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. These visits are counted as direct traffic because web analytics tools don’t have information about the exact source of dark social traffic. How to track social traffic to your website You can track and analyse your social traffic in one of two ways. You can use an analytics tool like Google Analytics, or Plezi One, our free tool that will help you turn visitors to your website into leads. Using Google Analytics Log in to your Google Analytics account.
Social trafic Google Analytics In the left Phone Number Data menu, click on the Acquisition tab Under “All Traffic”, click on Channels Here you will see traffic broken down by different channels, including social traffic, over the period indicated. Using Plezi One Log in to your Plezi One account or create one for free here. In the Dashboard, you will find the report “Website performance by digital channel” This report will show you all sources of traffic to your website, including social traffic.
Broken down by social network (e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook). It will also show you how traffic sources have changed compared to the previous period, enabling you to easily evaluate your progress. website performance by digital channel with plezi one Plezi One also allows lets you track the number of leads generated from social traffic in this report. This is essential for getting an idea of the likely quality of these visitors.