Although the main function of bots is to automate certain tasks they are not good for authentic traffic generation to increase traffic but theres nothing for conversions This affects your businesss Return On Investments ROI This is in sharp contradiction to the huge benefits you would have garnered with organic traffic in google analytics After a paid advertisement you may be excited to see the huge number of traffic to your digital platforms Unfortunately most of the clicks are not profitgenerating ones So if youre not monitoring your conversions the data
received can be false Subsequently bad data can cost you future projections Competitors and click fraud Did you know that your competitors can make you rack up false numbers in your paid ads They do this by deliberately clicking on your ads to increase India Phone Number your costs Indeed the volume of false clicks may be good for stats but not for your financial goals Undoubtedly this is a sinister competitive marketing move but it happens This is called click fraud in the marketing space and is described as the user clicks made with malicious and deceitful intentions In click fraud cost small businesses billion worldwide With Google AdWords the system makes it impossible for one IP
address to keep clicking in hopes of causing loss to the paying business Even though Google has made great strides in addressing click fraud competitors and dishonest web users continue to find ways to beat the system Fortunately you can avoid this by strictly monitoring your click conversions You can even block suspicious IP addresses that keep clicking on your paid ads Web user saturation with high frequency paid ads You can interpret this as the effect of constantly being in someones face If you take your paid advertising to the extremes that can happen .