Of how to tie a client’s products and services into nearly any topic. It’s important to understand marketing concepts like brand identity, buyer’s journey, and conversion, as well. Creativity A good freelancer is definitely good with facts, hard data, and the basics of how to craft a winning piece of content from the ground up. However, they also understand that creativity is often the X-factor that separates a good freelancer from one who’s truly great at what they do. Creativity helps a freelancer think on their feet, solve problems, and produce the kind of original material their clients are looking for.
Writing An ability to write well on a variety of different topics and in multiple styles is a major asset beginning freelancers will want to cultivate for sure. The most in-demand freelancers are well-versed in copywriting, blog writing, and SEO writing for the web. Understanding Canada WhatsApp Number Data how to tell a good story and use storytelling to connect with an audience is important, too. Social Media Love it or hate it, social media is a massive part of how the average person lives their life and makes decisions about where to spend their money. That means knowing how to use it is one of the most important freelance skills a beginner could develop.

Such knowledge is essential in understanding what makes content effective (or not) in the first place. Empathy Success in content production is only partly about the technical skill required. Great freelance professional understands that they’re also in the business of relating to people, which requires empathy. They know how to handle sensitive subjects with absolute care, anticipate the needs of an audience, listen to clients, and more.